Thursday, February 3, 2011


Israelis fear the haste with which the U.S. turned its back on its closest ally in the Arab world signals that Washington can’t be trusted | AFP-Getty Images

Yossi Klein Halevi

The price of the new American virtue


JERUSALEM— From Thursday's Globe and Mail
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Barack Obama’s demand that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak accept an immediate transition of power has hardly calmed an anxious Israeli people watching the fall of its closest Arab ally. For Israelis, the American President doesn’t appear principled and resolute but untrustworthy and flailing.



Only army has power to restore stability

A  supporter of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak rides a  camel through the melee during a clash between pro-Mubarak and  anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Wednesday.
Chris Hondros, Getty Images
A supporter of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak rides a camel through the melee during a clash between pro-Mubarak and anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Wednesday.
Peter Goodspeed, National Post · Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011
We may be witnessing the final days of Hosni Mubarak's 30 years in power, but it isn't the end of six decades of military control in Egypt.
The only actors with the power, prestige and experience to temporarily resolve the crisis are the country's armed forces.
Neither the aged and faltering Egyptian President, nor the disparate ad hoc coalition of opposition groups, united only in their opposition to the aging leader, have the wherewithal to end Egypt's days of rage.
But its army, the largest in the Arab world and the 10th largest worldwide, has been a central force in Egyptian politics ever since officers staged a coup and overthrew the monarchy in 1952.
Egypt's military has always been the guarantor of state stability. While it has willingly stood in the background, enjoying a wide variety of political and economic perks, including top government jobs, cheap housing and enhanced health care, it has always remained the ultimate arbiter of events in the country.
"Egypt's government is not so much a Mubarak government as it is a military government," said Jon Alterman of the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington. "Generals and retired generals control much of the government and much of the economy."
The Mubarak regime may already be in its death throes, but the former air force commander has already handed off power to the military that nurtured him and his government for three decades.
He named Lieutenant-General Omar Suleiman, head of the military intelligence service, Vice-President last Friday and appointed Ahmed Shafik, a former air force commander, as Prime Minister on Saturday. Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the Defence Minister, was named as deputy premier.
"If anyone ever doubted it, recent events highlight that the armed forces is the pillar of the regime," said Steven Cook, a Middle East expert with the Council on Foreign Relations.
"The National Democratic Party [Mubarak's ruling party] no longer exists. Big business has fled. The police forces have collapsed. Only the military
remains and thus far they don't seem to be budging."
"We are getting into existential territory," he added. "The result could be a drawn-out stalemate with the military pursuing a holding action while Omar Suleiman's intelligence service tries to split the opposition."
He suspects the military's ultimate strategy is to contain and control the pro-democracy protests for as long as possible and to play for time, while trying to weaken the opposition by peeling away less-committed demonstrators.
That game plan may have come into play Wednesday, when soldiers stationed around Cairo's Tahrir Square did not intervene as dozens of people were injured in vicious street fighting between Mubarak supporters and pro-democracy demonstrators.
On Tuesday, after Mr. Mubarak announced he would retire instead of standing for re-election in September, the army told the demonstrators to call it quits and go home.
State television ran a scrolling message reading, "The armed forces call on the protesters to go home for the sake of bringing back stability."
Wednesday's street fighting, while dramatic was not overwhelmingly deadly. It was merely a taste of the chaotic violence that could engulf Egypt, if the protesters do not back down or if the military does not step in to seize control.
It could be used to justify a military crackdown, but it might also serve to discourage demonstrators from attending a planned protest march to the Presidential Palace Friday.
Friday's confrontation could easily become a turning point in Egypt's rebellion. A massive public protest or a more violent repetition of Wednesday's street fights may force the military to act, moving against Mr. Mubarak and driving him from power so they can set up a transitional government.
In a country with a growing Islamist movement and deep poverty, the lower ranks of the military may be ripe for rebellion, especially if they are ever ordered to turn against unarmed civilians in the streets.
"My guess is that they will be hugely reluctant to fire on civilians," said Bruce Rutherford, author of the book Egypt After Mubarak: Liberalism, Islam and Democracy in the Arab World.
"The military is a very respected institution and very much sees itself as an institution that is protecting the Egyptian people.
"It is at that moment when senior military leaders would essentially make clear to Mubarak that there are limits as to how far they will go to keep him in office. And that's the point when Mubarak would exit."

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